
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties


Children and young people who find it difficult to manage their emotions and behaviour in a way that affects their daily life.


Some of the things children and young people with these difficulties might find difficult are:


  • Following rules set by others


  • Sitting still for very long


  • Listening to and following instructions


  • Understanding how they are feeling


  • Making friends


  • Dealing with their difficulties in a way that does not cause harm to themselves or others


  • Taking responsibility for the things they do


Examples of support available in our school


  • Get advice from professionals and specialist staff trained in school to give advice to adults working with the child or young people


  • Extra support can be given in a small group by an adult to help the child learn about how to help themselves


  • Extra support can be given to the child or young person by an adult for a short time during the day to let them talk about the things that upset them


  • Individual targets set to help show what the child or young person needs help with


  • Friends for Life program for identified children, support children with transition.
  • Friends with Feelings


How we check it is working.

  • Observations of the child or young person to see if they are coping better in school.


  • Talk to adults who have worked with the child or young person


  • Talk to parents


  • Talk to the child or young person


  • A Learning Mentor to work with the child and parent in small groups or 1:1