
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

The Rule of Law

The Rule of Law


The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. We follow five golden rules in school and children are reminded of these on a regular basis.  We adhere to a well considered and effective behaviour policy and children are disciplined appropriately when rules are broken.  This is always within the understanding of mutual respect and that we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

We constantly remind the children about the Gospel Values and emphasise that we all need to follow and demonstrate them as part of our Catholic Life.


We follow the value of Rule of Law by:

  • adopting and embedding a strong positive behaviour and anti-bullying policy which contains clear rewards and sanctions;
  • arranging visits from the Police and other local organisations service to reinforce the message of right and wrong;
  • having a clear set of Golden Rules in school which we all follow;
  • understanding why laws are important and necessary for school life;
  • teaching about the laws of Britain at an age-appropriate level;
  • teaching about religious laws e.g. commandments through our Religious Education lessons.