The application process for admission to Reception class in September 2023 will be open from1st October 2022 .
Parents/carers should submit an online application from 1 October 2023 and by 15 January 2024 (the final closing date). We would strongly recommend that you ensure you read the ‘Primary School Admissions Criteria 2024 Information’ prior to submitting your application. In addition to this, most schools will hold open mornings/ evening sessions where parents can talk to teachers or view the school’s own prospectus etc. Please visit your preferred school’s website for further details.
Online applications will receive an immediate email confirmation when the application is submitted. Those online applicants who have not provided an email address will not receive an acknowledgement, so it is very important that you include an email address. If you have not received an acknowledgement by 15 January 2024, then you should call Children’s Services on 0121 303 1888 to confirm that your application has been received.
Online applicants that submit their application with a valid email address will be sent an offer by email on 17 April 2024. Parents/carers that submitted an online application without a valid email address will be sent an offer letter by first class post which should arrive from 17 April 2023 and should be delivered by the end of that week. Finally, please remember, you do not need to have the internet at home. You can apply online from any device with internet access or if you are able from a computer whilst at work.
If you have any questions about your child starting school, please do not hesitate to contact a member of Children’s Services on 0121 303 1888 where staff will be pleased to offer their assistance
Please use the following link to make your application:
NB: If you live outside Birmingham Local Authority you may still choose St. Peter's, but you must apply online using the relevant council's application form for your address- not the Birmingham one.
If you are applying for a place with a Faith Claim of Baptised Catholic, you must complete the school supplementary form and return to school with the supporting evidence.
Birmingham City Council Admissions Contact Details:
Telephone: 0121 303 1888