
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Long Term Overview

Relationships and Health Education (RHE) Overview

The following RHE overview will provide you with an outline of all lessons taught across the PRE curriculum at St. Peter's. This includes lessons from both statutory guidance (from the DfE) and non-statutory elements of PSHE (from the PSHE Association).



Statutory Relationships and Health Education Overview

The below document is an overview of the statutory elements or Relationships and Health Education set out by the Department for Education. As a Catholic school, the statutory elements of our of PRE curriculum are provided by the Diocese's TenTen Life to the Full Scheme.


Each lesson is hyperlinked for access to TenTen's Parent Portal which will provide you with more in-depth information of the content for each lesson. A login is required for access to the portal so please use the following information:

Username: st-peters-b32

Password: silver-keys
