
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Lumen Christi Multi Academy Company

We are proud to be part of the Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy Company (MAC). Our mission is to work 'together with mutual trust, respect and love to provide the highest quality of Catholic education to our communities.' Our guiding aims are:

  • To celebrate the Catholic ethos in all our schools
  • To maintain the highest quality of Catholic education by ensuring accountability for standards
  • To create an ethos of collective responsibility, through which we will promote achievement and improve pupil performance
  • To create and support training and career opportunities for all staff and develop Academy Representatives and Directors for the benefit of the multi academy
  • To create and strengthen partnerships with other schools and agencies
  • To realise best value by sharing assets, resources and using economies of scale


The Catholic schools within the Lumen Christi MAC are:

St Brigid's Primary

St Columba's Primary

St James' Primary

St John Fisher Primary

St Joseph's Primary

St Paul's Primary

St Peter's Primary

St Thomas More Primary 

St Thomas Aquinas Secondary
