
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"


Meet our CAFOD Club!

Our CAFOD Club children embark on a journey to understand our world better and make a positive impact. At St. Peter's, our CAFOD Club focus on stewardship, discussing both local and global environments. They discuss ways to help the environment and make our school more sustainable. Additionally, the children work to raise awareness about respecting our surroundings, both near and far. 

CAFOD Live Simply Award

 We are delighted to announce that we achieved the LiveSimply Award in November 2023. We achieved the award by demonstrating that we strive to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.


Action Plan

Our MPs and CAFOD representatives came together to create an action plan for how we can help our school and local community. The children also spoke to Mrs McAleenan about purchasing planters so that we can grow our own vegetables to be used in cooking or as snacks. The children also decided to start half-termly litter picks to help clean our local area tidy.

CAFOD World Gifts

After watching CAFOD's Advent National Assembly, the children from CAFOD Club spoke to their respective classes to discuss and vote for which CAFOD World Gift each class wanted to raise money for. Overall, we raised £300! Our money went to CAFOD to purchase several terrific toilets. This gift helps to stop the spread of serious diseases and keep whole communities healthy and safe.


A (Y6) "Raising money for CAFOD's World Gifts helped us to appreciate how lucky we are to have what we have."

J (Y6) "We chose to raise money to buy a terrific toilet because we believe we're all a global family and community and because everyone deserves their human dignity."

No Electricity Afternoon!

Our CAFOD children met with Miss Price and Miss McDonagh to discuss implementing a no electricity afternoon. During the afternoon, the CAFOD Club representatives checked every room to make sure that no electricity was being used. 



L (Y4) "The no electricity afternoon linked with one of our Catholic Social Teachings (Stewardship of God's Creation). We decided to use natural light rather than electricity which can harm our environment."


S (Y3) "I enjoyed taking part in the no electricity afternoon because we saved electricity instead of wasting it." 

Lights Off!

Our CAFOD representatives met with Miss Price and planned to start an energy-saving initiative. They will check classrooms every day to ensure lights and electricity are switched off when not in use. Miss Price helped the children create some great reminders to keep encouraging children and staff to be more mindful of electricity use!


