
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 - 2024-2025

Mrs Charles (Class Teacher) and Mrs Naughton (Teaching Assistant) warmly welcomes all the Year 1 children to their classroom and looks forward to an exciting year ahead!

In Year 1 we continue our exciting learning journey building upon our Reception Class experiences.

In the Autumn term we make every effort for a smooth transition from EYFS. We gradually progress from play -based learning to more a conventional learning style which allows us to work through the Year 1 curriculum effectively.

During Year 1 we try to follow Jesus' example as much as possible, and this is reinforced through all our lessons. We know that it is important to always try our best and work hard. We realise that we must be respectful to others and realise that our actions have consequences.

Our Class Saint is


St Carlos Acutis


We will learn all about him and pray to him each day.


 Don't forget to keep an eye on 'Class Dojo' to see what we are getting up to in class!
