
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Useful Information

Keeping Children Safe in Education

All Staff at our school have read the Keeping Children Safe in Education (Information for Schools and Colleges) document.

This document explains:

  • What School and College Staff should know and do
  • Types of abuse and neglect
  • Specific Safeguarding Issues
  • Further Information on a Child Missing from Education
  • Further Information on Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Further Information on Female Genital Mutilation
  • Further Information on Preventing Radicalisation

Right Help, Right Time

In line with Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board, St Peter’s follows the refreshed threshold guidance “Right Help, Right Time” (RHRT). This framework has provided everyone at St Peter’s with clear advice about what to do and how to respond if a child and their family need extra help. The DSL, attended the required training suggested by the RHRT Multi-Agency and so have embedded the RHRT guidance within the day to day practice of the school. Staff receive training so they know that the voice of the child is at the centre of their planning, decision making and service delivery.

Operation Encompass

Our aim is to enable staff in every school to understand how to support children who are experiencing domestic abuse,

Safeguarding and Support Agencies

Birmingham MASH is the first port of call for anyone with a child safeguarding concern.


We support parents and families in caring for their children, we provide therapeutic services to help children move on from abuse and we help professionals make the best decisions for children, across the UK.

Preventing Abuse 


Whether you're a parent, worried about a child you know or work with children as part of your job, we all have a part to play in keeping them safe. Find out more about the types of child abuse, how to look out for a child's safety, the child protection system and the latest research and resources in child protection

