
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2024-2025

Miss McDonagh (Class Teacher) and Miss Kenny (Teaching Assistant) warmly welcomes the children to Year 5. 


Life in Year 5 is an enjoyable mix of hard work, friendship, learning and discipline, in line with our gospel values.

Our Catholic Faith is very important to us, and in Year 5 we strive to ensure that we live our Mission to the best of our ability, everyday. We participate in assemblies, as well as celebrating in class worship, led by children and whole class Masses.

In our classroom, you will find a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged and engaged in their learning in order to reach their full potential. 

Our Class Saint is 

 St Oscar Romero

We will learn all about his life and pray to him each day.
