Reception 2024-2025
Welcome to our Reception children who have joined in September 2024!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our school family.
Keep your eyes peeled on this page for updates and any information you may need!
Miss Flanagan (Class Teacher) and Mrs Nolan (Teaching Assistant)
welcome you as the children begin their learning journey here at St. Peter's Catholic Primary School.
This is a very important and exciting year and we will work in partnership with you to care for and educate your child. We aim to offer new opportunities to your child to help draw out their ability and potential, helping each individual to grow and develop in preparation for the future.
Your child will be learning skills, gaining new knowledge and demonstrating understanding through seven areas of learning and development.
The three prime areas are:
Your child will also develop skills in four specific areas. These are:
Our Catholic Faith is at the heart of everything we do in Reception Class. Your child will learn that Jesus loves us all and that we are special. We all try hard to treat everyone that we meet with love and respect, just as Jesus did.
Our Class Saint is
St Therese of Lisieux
We will learn all about her and pray to her each day.
Don't forget to keep an eye on 'Class Dojo' to see what we are getting up to in class!