What happens if my child is identified has having a Special Educational Need?
If your child is identified as having SEND, we will provide support that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal curriculum scaffolds, intended to overcome the barrier to their learning. This will form part of our graduated approach. Initially they will have targeted support.
Targeted Support
Targeted support is completed by staff working in school. This is usually through an intervention (when the child has additional input) that specifically targets the child’s reading or spelling, maths, handwriting, co-ordination, emotional needs or social skills. The child or young person’s needs will first be assessed, and then targeted support will be planned, carried out and then reviewed regularly. At the review any necessary changes will be made.
If your child continues to make limited progress then we will ask for your permission to move onto specialised support.
Specialised Support
Specialised support is when we ask specialists from outside of school to assess (through observations and working with your child on a 1:1) and advise us how best we can support your child to ensure they make progress. When, despite the school having taken the relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the Special Educational Need (SEN) of the child, the child has not made progress, the school and the parents will consider requesting an SEN Support Provision Plan or an Education, Health and Care plan from the local authority