
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

14. How will my school ensure that parents and children with additional needs are fully included in all school activities?


  • All children have access to our extra-curricular activities.
  • Where appropriate and possible, adjustments will be made to ensure all children and young people with Special Educational Needs are fully included in these activities.
  • We have regular educational visits and the children in years 5 and 6 are invited to attend a residential.
  • Children with SEN are always included in these opportunities.
  • We provide additional staff support to ensure their full involvement.
  • We choose visits that are accessible to all.
  • Most of the school site is wheelchair accessible with an accessible toilet and a separate shower room. Currently the Year 5 and 6 classrooms are upstairs and there is no accessibility for wheelchairs to reach the second floor classrooms, but reasonable adjusts can be made.