All children’s progress, including those children or young people with Special Educational Needs and disabilities, is tracked using the school’s assessment tracking system.
Pupils are assessed regularly using teacher marking, observations and questioning as well as more formal assessments such as curriculum tests and standardised tests. We also take account of feedback from the child, parents, teacher, Teaching Assistant, SENCO & outside agencies involved as well as attendance data.
In addition to this, in Birmingham we have access to the Birmingham Language and Literacy and Maths toolkits. Those children with a cognition and learning need who are working significantly below the age related expectation will be tracked using these.
This toolkit is used to plan the child’s next steps and the targets will be used to create your child’s Individual Target Plan. These individual targets help the class teacher to plan work that is suitable for your child. They also help the school to monitor how well interventions are working.
The progress each child is making is discussed at pupil progress meetings with the senior leadership team.