
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

Values and Ethos

St Peter’s is proud of its Catholic heritage and maintains a Catholic ethos throughout for the following aims:


  • To teach the Catholic faith, encourage the child’s response to the faith and make prayer, worship and liturgy life enriching experiences
  • To create a happy, caring and stimulating environment in which all members of the school community can give of their best and reach their full potential
  • To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which will contribute successfully to the development of the ‘whole child’
  • To foster a dynamic relationship between home, school and parish and build links with the wider community.


To achieve these aims, the school will:

  • Promote and develop an appreciation of and more active participation in prayer, worship and liturgy
  • Implement appropriate programmes of study and methods of assessment
  • Foster positive relationships built on trust and openness
  • Encourage co-operation and team work
  • Build effective communication systems
  • Develop child centred methods of teaching and learning
  • Encourage care for and concern about the environment
  • Organise effective structures for pastoral care
  • Value and develop the gifts of each member of the community irrespective of their achievements
  • Secure equality of entitlement in terms of special needs, gender and ethnicity
  • Strive to be an example of a Christian community.