
St Peter's Catholic

Primary School

"Loved by Jesus, we love, we learn, we live and grow together for Him"

2. How do we identify children with Special Educational Needs?

Our Principles

  • We work closely with parents—they know their children best
  • We use a graduated response to identification of SEN
  • We monitor the progress of our children regularly
  • We monitor interventions to assess how effective they are in narrowing the gap
  • If an approach is not working for a child, we change it
  • We don’t assume that just because a child is achieving below their age or making slower progress, that they have a special educational need
  • Together, we look at the teaching approaches first before deciding if the identification process  of SEN is appropriate
  • We use a ‘Matrix of influencing factors’ to determine whether there may be other factors impacting on progress
  • If a potential SEN need is identified, we will carry out more detailed assessment, increase the frequency of reviews, we will consult with those with expertise and create a more personalised program of learning
  • A child’s effort is taken into account as well as achievement
  • We have high aspirations for all of our learners so that they learn inclusively and meaningfully alongside their peers